The moon, the Milky Way, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter Mars, Neptune, Uranus and comet C/2024 G3 are all visible at once in breathtaking new photos from the European Southern Observatory.
A comet called ATLAS dazzled the southern skies for the last few weeks. Now it's heading out of view for half a million years ...
Beautifully captured against a starry sky, Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) — dubbed by some as the "Great Comet of 2025" — shines ...
Here’s something that you’ll kick yourself if you miss – a comet that only grazes the Earth every 160,000 years will be visible this week. Comet G3 ATLAS (C/2024) was first spotted in April ...
Imagine that you’re alive in 1910. The internet doesn’t exist. There is news of a rare comet that will be visible from Earth just at the end of springtime. It sounds spectacular. The comet ...
Why it's so special: Nicknamed the "Great Comet of 2025," Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) is currently the brightest comet predicted to be visible from Earth all year. Discovered on April 5, 2024 by the ...