There can be a hundred or more microprocessors in a car today. (2) (Smart Car) A mini-compact, two-seater automobile popular on crowded city streets in Europe since the late 1990s. It debuted in ...
Other Geely-owned brands could follow suit and steer away from being EV-only. Everyone knows the Smart car. The sort of roller-skate-shaped microcar was a godsend to city-dwellers all over the ...
The press conference also featured the debut of two concept cars: the eco-sprinter and eco-speedster. The assembly plant of the smart city coupé – the brand's first production model – opened ...
two decades on from the first Smart car hitting the roads. The concept, making its debut at this year’s show, goes by the name ‘Forease’, and follows on from the Forspeed concept shown in ...
Volkswagen is hoping to bring electric vehicles to the masses with its super affordable new EV concept. The ID. EVERY1 car will launch in Europe for just €20,000 (around $21,500) and could ...
This car, designed to be essentially a replacement ... and the man who also oversaw the styling of the very smart-looking ID.2all concept, which will go on sale late this year as a Polo-sized ...