Born Hiram Ulysses Grant, he became known as U.S. ("Unconditional Surrender") Grant under Lincoln. In 1868, he became the youngest man yet elected to the U.S. presidency, serving two terms marred ...
Some U.S. presidents are well-known for their love of drinking alcohol. But was Abraham Lincoln one of them, or was his ...
There are a lot of fun facts about Abraham Lincoln that go beyond what we ... a trio of stray kittens while visiting General Ulysses S. Grant in Virginia, near the end of the Civil War.
Denver has plenty of streets named after presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, James Madison and James Monroe. However, its biggest street is named after a ...
Good Friday in 1865 would turn out to be one of President Abraham ... joined the last meeting Lincoln would ever hold with his staff: General Ulysses S. Grant. They discussed affairs of state ...
Ulysses S. Grant was portrayed by Edward Headington, Mary Todd Lincoln was portrayed by Gay Storm, and Abraham Lincoln was portrayed by J.P. Wammack.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was portrayed by David Michaels, Theodore Roosevelt was portrayed by Peter Small, Ulysses S. Grant was portrayed by Edward Headington, Mary Todd Lincoln was portrayed by Gay Storm ...