Poland has reframed the debate on migration through the lenses of national security, forcing the EU to change its tune. View on euronews
It’s needed, the government in Warsaw says, because Russia and Belarus are waging a particular kind of hybrid warfare: helping groups of migrants — mostly from Africa or the Middle East — to break through the border to provoke and destabilize Poland and the rest of Europe.
The Security Service of Ukraine is helping Belarusian militants to draw up an invasion plan for Belarus. Vasily Veremeychik, a former mercenary from the Kalinovsky Regiment recognized by Minsk as a terrorist organization,
POŁOWCE, Poland — Poland’s fortified buffer zone against Belarus and Russia could see a surge in migrants in the coming months, officials here warn, as spring temperatures encourage more people to attempt border crossings.
Poland has established a border fence equipped with modern surveillance technology to prevent people from entering from Belarus. Rights activists accuse border guards of practicing a "pushback" strategy.
The Belarusian mercenary fled Ukraine to Lithuania, from there to Vietnam where he was arrested and extradited under a criminal case.
Next Tuesday, January 28, five people go on trial in Poland after providing humanitarian aid to people at the Poland-Belarus border. They face serious criminal charges and sentences of up to five years in prison,
Poland will not recognize Belarus’ upcoming presidential election, scheduled for January 26, upper-house Speaker Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska said on Thursday.
Fugitive oppositionists who have found themselves in the countries of the European Union are already preparing for the presidential elections in Belarus, which will be held on January 26. At the same time,
Poland's EU presidency focuses on security amid tensions along its borders with Belarus and Ukraine. With 13,000 guards patrolling, the border serves as a defense against Russia's hybrid warfare. Poland tightens visa policies and suspends asylum rights,
Polish border guards look east into Belarus at the crossing point Połowce-Pieszczatka in Polowce, Poland on Jan 16. (AP)
It’s become a buffer zone since Belarus’ ally, Russia, invaded neighboring Ukraine three years ago. Similar fortifications farther north line Poland's frontier with the Russian region of ...