By Burnett Munthali The pastoral letter reflects on the significance of the Lenten season as a time for renewal, hope, and ...
At 6:30 a.m. on Ash Wednesday morning, I stood in line at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Scottsdale, Ariz., to receive ashes on my forehead. Tables were set up outside ...
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine Air Force (PAF) rendered solemn military honors to fallen FA-50 ...
Another aspect that both Borrelli and Tomlin touched on is the portrayal of Judas in “The Last Supper.” In many films, Judas ...
Lent is our time to allow divine love to touch us so deeply that we begin to see like Jesus did, and thus act in his name.
The 40-day season of Lent began as Christian faithful around the world celebrated Ash Wednesday in preparation for Easter in ...
Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula on Wednesday called on Catholics to become “ambassadors” of Jesus Christ this ...
Ash Wednesday is a holy day of reflection and repentance in the Christian faith. Believers observe the day by fasting and receiving ashes in the shape of a cross on their forehead.
Many around the world use the season of Lent to prepare specific homemade delicacies to remind them of the life of Jesus ...
Our traditional Lenten practices can certainly be shared with the younger members of the Church, helping us to pray together ...
Set aside time for longer moments of prayer, not as an obligation to live up to, but because you have one who is always for you—even to death. Finally, pray boldly, and surrender your will boldly—the ...
Our true destination is not a city built by human hands, but a home whose builder and designer is God.