Weißblaue Strandkörbe stehen als Wahlkabinen in einem Wahllokal auf der ostfriesischen Insel Norderney. Am Sonntag findet die vorgezogene Wahl zum 21. Deutschen Bundestag statt. Volker Bartels/dpa ...
"You've got to try and whisper so quietly in those booths, and there's not even room for two people to really stand there." Mr Honschooten would like to see bigger voting forms with large print ...
The far-right, anti-immigration Alternative for Germany, or AfD, has been running in second place with around 20% of the vote — well above its previous best of 12.6% in a national election ...
Voters eager to cast their ballot in the State Election will have their chance from Monday, with early voting booths opening across the State. With both parties launching their respective election ...
A city in western Germany has found a creative way to motivate lazy voters to go and cast their ballots at the voting booths- free drinks! Last week, Duisburg authorities offered a drink voucher to ...
The North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday that would ban ranked choice and approval voting in the state — potentially resetting methods currently used in Fargo city elections.
People can vote for their favourite design by filling ... Councillor Mark Haworth-Booth, the cultural partnership board representative for North Devon Council, said there was an "incredible ...