in OT at Williams Arena in Minneapolis on Thursday. The game was tied at 81 in the final seconds and seemed destined for another period, but Minnesota All-Big Ten forward Dawson Garcia got the ...
Európska centrálna banka vo štvrtok podľa očakávania znížila kľúčové úrokové sadzby o 25 bázických bodov, pričom jej základná depozitná sadzba klesla na 2,75 %. Foto: TASR/AP Odôvodnila to ...
“Parents who have not yet secured a space for their child in Grade 1 or Grade 8 at a Gauteng public school are encouraged to visit and apply before the closing date,” the GDE ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa says the process of repatriating the 13 soldiers who died on a mission in the Democratic ...
Contact the relevant government department (national, provincial or local), government body or institution The Presidential Hotline 17737 or
[email protected] should be used when all your ...
While it is often said that clothes make the man, a new, shiny pair of school shoes may do just the same for many school pupils, especially those that are underprivileged. Minister of Justice and ...
Prímerie medzi Izraelom a Hamasom platí od 19. januára. V prvej z troch fáz, ktorá má trvať 42 dní, by malo dôjsť k prepusteniu 33 izraelských rukojemníkov výmenou za zhruba 1900 Palestínčanov ...
The Public Service Vacancy Circular is published on a weekly basis (except for December) and contains the advertisements of vacant posts and jobs in Public Service departments.