Westbound Interstate 70 is closed in Georgetown for white-out conditions, treacherous roads and at least four crashes near ...
An early March snowstorm is beginning to have an impact on road conditions, and CDOT warned that road closures are "likely" ...
Ouray County authorities declared a disaster emergency last week after rockfall caused significant damage to Camp Bird Road.
U.S. 6 is closed in both directions over Loveland Pass, between I-70 and mile 228.7, east of Keystone Ski Resort for safety ...
Colorado experienced severe winter weather, causing road closures and crashes including a multi-vehicle collision on I-25.
Colorado Springs and El Paso County road crews are gearing up for the incoming snow storm. Crews are expecting to deal with ...
A stretch of South Nevada Avenue between Brookside Street and the Interstate 25 ramps will close over night on Feb. 25 this ...