The freedom to choose our family is a Western privilege that reshapes society. While it spurs innovation, it may cause ...
Have you ever wondered why you are so different from your siblings even though you were raised in the same family? Discover ...
The menopausal transition is an opportunity for women to cross a psychological threshold into the second half of life, but ...
It's actually men, not women, who crave romantic relationships—with fewer other social ties to lean on, men can be highly ...
We only have so much “social capacity” to commit to friendships, so it’s natural that less rewarding or more labor-intensive ...
Attachment theory continues to provide an evolving and flexible framework, however inconclusive, in understanding how ...
One irony of insomnia is that the effort to sleep often makes up the bulk of the problem. Paradoxically, the key to getting a ...
As Polyvagal parents, we have the responsibility of toning down our instinctive urge to protect their safety by nurturing ...
Feedback can shine a light on your behavior and how you are perceived by others. It helps build on your existing strengths to ...
The enthymeme is a powerful rhetorical tool to influence and persuade others. Here's what it is—and how it's used.
EMDR supposedly provides a way for the brain to rewire your emotions...either that or it's total nonsense in which nothing ...
Hyper-independence can make finding love challenging. Here's why it might be holding you back from commitment.