Soap does not actually kill norovirus either. Still, handwashing is your best protection against contagious vomiting and ...
The trigeminal nerve has multiple functions. It typically alerts the brain to sensations like pain, cold, heat, and spicy ...
"A mouse also requires less food and less space to live. If the climate changes, one of the many offspring may survive. That ...
"Alcohol influences the experience of who you are and who you can be. It's a new and unique experience of freedom. Part of ...
Is it better to be small or large when the climate changes? Large animals need a lot of space, and that is not always an advantage. brings you science news from Norway. This is the ...
Whether you're a weekend exerciser or a sports professional, lactate build-up in your muscles is a painful reminder that you're pushing a little too hard. But new research shows the compound is vital ...
Why do we love soda? ASK A RESEARCHER: When carbonation bubbles in the mouth, the brain receives the same signals as when we eat spicy food. brings you science news from Norway. This ...
This is what happened when teens shared their very first experiences with alcohol. brings you science news from Norway. This is the English version of, Norway’s ...