On the April 1 spring election, voters will decide whether to add a voter identification requirement to the Wisconsin state ...
Amendment 2 of the four amendment proposals deals with overhauls to the budget and tax allowances and limitations.
While President Donald Trump outwardly declared himself a champion of the right to free expression, he has mounted a full-on assault on this right, hoping that the ferocity and multi-pronged nature of ...
He tied the increase to a recent Bundestag amendment to the constitution, enabling funding for Germanyā€™s defense, European ...
Economic, Social, and Cultural (ECOSOC) rights form the backbone of a just and equitable society. Recognized under the ...
Something interesting happened as Republican US House members who represent conservative districts returned to Washington ...
When it comes to free speech, the First Amendment draws no distinction between citizens and other legal residents.
Does copyright law require that a human create a work? Yesterday the D.C. Circuit in Thaler v. Perlmutter held that it does ...