Facebook says a radical trans activist group with over half a million followers that is actively recruiting military veterans ...
THE LAST SUPPER tells the story of Jesus Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. Peter introduces the story, which begins ...
As in all things, when we read a pas-sage presented to us in the Lectionary from the holy Gospel, we need to place it into ...
By retrieving Lutheran theology with exceptional care, Hughes suggests that Christian faith is a matter not of certainty but ...
The Archdiocese of Denver launched the public portion of its nine-year novena that will usher in the extraordinary Jubilee ...
If you are not rooted in the Gospel, then false teaching can decimate your shallow faith. You can only defeat lies by holding ...
How "compare-a-face" helped Church News reporter Aimee Cobabe recognize her grandmother's testimony of the Savior.
Jesus’ death on the Cross was not a limited act only for his family, the 12, other followers and some of the rest of the ...
The only person who dares to wake up a king at 3 a.m. for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access.” This was ...
On International Women’s Day, Christians can look to the wise words of female saints who serve as role models for women ...
In celebrating Lent and in every season of the liturgical year, it is good to recall the teaching of the Second Vatican ...
The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...