Consistency, passion and resilience define Shower Power. Over the past three decades, this remarkable acapella group has ...
Easter is a religious Christian holiday observed around the world to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the ...
Now it’s time to fill up those Easter baskets and visit your loved ones. After all, what is Easter, if not the perfect time ...
Paul moves from the doctrine of justification by faith to the doctrine of sanctification in Romans 5. Paul is “showing … the ...
Current efforts to conserve water at Church properties in the western United States have estimated a savings of 500 million ...
We live in an age where people resist and even resent the idea of authority. A rugged individualism that says you cannot tell ...
During the nearly two-hour liturgy, Cardinal McElroy encouraged the faithful of his new archdiocese to be “pilgrims of hope ...
THE LAST SUPPER tells the story of Jesus Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. Peter introduces the story, which begins ...
As in all things, when we read a pas-sage presented to us in the Lectionary from the holy Gospel, we need to place it into ...
The polygamous 19th-century prophet and second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints envisioned that ...
Jesus, you’ll remember, taught us to pray like this: ...
Woven through history is a strand of insanity. That insanity still grips the vast majority of humanity. It is insanity to think that things are normal as they are.