HELSINKI (AP) — A tale of good versus evil played out on the large screen in the sanctuary of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in ...
In his latest pastoral letter, the prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, reflected on how Christians should live ...
World Orphan Week is set aside each year at the beginning of March and serves as a reminder that these precious children ...
It felt like the right thing to keep offering a virtual option for as many activities as possible even after COVID.
As he enters his 13th year as pope, Francis stands tall as the moral authority in today’s world, a voice pleading for ...
The research focused on five key church engagement trends including: Church Relevance: An exploration of Christian and ...
Hozier’s "Take Me to Church" surges across four Billboard charts, celebrating 260 weeks on Rock Streaming Songs and making ...
One week after a federal judge in Seattle ordered the Trump administration to resume processing refugees and paying ...
The answer: by remembering that the church is also “God’s household” and thus “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim ...
"The persecution of Christians around the world is one of the great untold scandals of the 21st Century," says Open Doors CEO ...
To think that African Christianity is now leading ahead of Europe and America is simply the work of God. One night, Nicodemus ...
In the light of the Resurrection, we as a local Church must unswervingly understand our vocation as disciples of hope …’ ...