Mediators were making a final push Wednesday to seal a Gaza truce and hostage release deal, after a Qatari official involved ...
(法新社哈瓦那14日电) 美国宣布将把古巴从支持恐怖主义国家的名单中移除后,这个共产主义国家今天表示将释放553名囚犯以作为回应。
(法新社伦敦14日电) 美国总统当选人川普扬言不排除以武力夺回巴拿马运河(Panama Canal)控制权后,联合国国际海事组织(IMO)秘书长杜明奎今天告诉法新社,巴拿马运河将仍属于巴拿马。
Do people with obesity have an illness? A panel of global health experts looking at this controversial question announced Wednesday that the definition of obesity should be split into two ...